Our service is powered by volunteerism and generous donations from people and organizations like yourself. Your generous donations and financial support powers our mission.

When you give, you help us develop culturally responsive, restorative, and humanizing educators, programming, classrooms, schools, and communities. More importantly, you help us power girls to become the change they wish to see in the world!

Free Sister Circles

Donations help pay for free participation in weekly school- and community-based sister circles

  • Books

  • Snacks

  • Supplies & Materials

  • Facilitator Fees

Fellowship Scholarships

Donations help pay for Youth and Transformative Justice Fellow stipends meant to support girls, and those who educate them, with developing the communication, leadership, research, and advocacy skills necessary to become change agents in their respective communities.

Travel Scholarships

Donations help pay for travel, lodging, transportation, and food  for girls to attend and facilitate workshops at local, regional, national, and international conferences focused on gender equity, racial justice, and youth-led community action.

Leadership Development Scholarships

Donations pay for girls to attend our Fall, Spring and Summer restorative leadership retreats at no cost (covers costs related to registration fees, materials, supplies, books, facility, meals, and personnel), as well as to employ their leadership skills as facilitators of dialogues at sponsored events, including the annual Youth of Color Restorative Practices Critical Mentorship Summit (pays for RJ training fees, t-shirts and supplies needed to facilitate dialogues).

Cultural Immersion Scholarships

Donations help cover travel costs for girls to explore and develop self-efficacy and empowerment through travel to national and international destinations meant to teach them about their cultural, ethnic, and racial history.


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